Frequently Asked Questions
- What is a REALTOR®?
A REALTOR® is an agent or agency that belongs to the local or state board of REALTORS® and is affiliated with the "National Association of REALTORS® (NAR). They follow a strict code of ethics beyond state license laws and also sponsor the Multiple Listing System (MLS), which is used to list houses for sale.
- If I'm working with a REALTOR®, do they have to represent me and protect my best interests?
NO! If you have not signed an agreement stating that your Realtor is acting as your agent, you are not being represented. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
- Why should I use a Real Estate Agent?
A real estate agent is more than just a "sales person." They act on your behalf as your agent, providing you with advice and guidance and doing a job - helping you buy or sell a home.
- What's the difference between being prequalified and preapproved for a loan?
The difference between being prequalified and preapproved is simple:
If you're prequalified it means that you POTENTIALLY could get a loan for the amount stated to you, assuming that all of the information given was accurate and true.
If you're preapproved, it means that you have undergone the extensive financial background check - which includes looking at your credit history, previous tax returns and verifying your employment - and the lender is willing to give you a loan. You're APPROVED! So, they give you a letter that states such and it is valid for a approximately 60 days thereafter.
Notwithstanding the above, you will have an accurate figure which shows the maximum amount that you are approved for. Most sellers prefer buyers that have been preapproved because they know that there will not be any problems with the purchase of their home.
- What is a Buyer's Agent?
An agent hired by buyers to help them find and negotiate the purchase of a home. This agent works for the best interests of the buyers, not the sellers.
- What is a Listing Agent?
A Listing Agent lists and markets your home to find a buyer. This agent works for the best interests of the sellers, not the buyers. As RE/MAX 1st Class, Real Estate, we offer a Full-Service approach which includes over 192 steps.